Kellogg has adopted Dolav reusable pallet bins and is now saving money on a number of product lines. All of Kellogg’s Corn Flakes, Rice Crispies, Frosties, Crunchy Nuts and CoCo Pops sold in the UK and Ireland are put in packets in Manchester.
Their recycling process is started by their packers who separate the plastic inner liner – or carton or food waste – into line-side Dolav Ace bins. Using Dolav Ace containers, non-food waste is forklift-tipped into recycling skips.
Significantly, this marks the end of compacting for landfill and closes the gap for Kellogg reaching zero landfill target for food packaging waste.
Kellogg now sends any food waste to animal food production and recycles corrugated board waste.
Already this has yielded benefits:
• In one year Kellogg increased packaging waste recycling from 45% through 60% nearing 80%
• Total waste is reduced by one quarter.
• Financial benefits come from reduced tonnage to landfill
• By recycling, Kellogg earns a rebate to offset its already reducing landfill tax.
When asked to comment on his views, Harry Almond, Environment Manager for Kellogg, Manchester said: “The Dolav pallet bin is strong enough to stand up to punishment by forklift drivers, who treat it as a waste bin. With strong runners underneath for tipping and is made in tough, food-grade plastic which meets Kellogg’s food-quality standards”.