The Dolavs are used in two main ways; recycling clean metal waste for processing and recycling of very low-level contaminated waste (VLLW) metal or compliant VLLW landfill disposal. The metals are zinc-galvanised and mild steel, stainless steel, aluminium and some copper.
Magnox ensures it maximises its metal recycling possibilities by transporting suitable clean metal in Dolavs to specialist companies. These Dolavs are then further reused within the Magnox estate. Other suitable metals are destined for specialist reprocessing within Magnox, again to allow the waste to be recycled to clean waste for reuse.
The Magnox team at Harwell commented on selecting the Dolav 1000 Ace; “We have used the Dolav 1000 Ace with lids since 2013 and find they are strong, easy to use, easy to store, easy to load, handle and transport. We fill them to about 700kg (but they will take 900kg) which can be handled easily. The Ace is a very robust container which we can use for outside storage prior to disposal.”
At Magnox Harwell, the Dolav boxes are filled and securely closed with Dolav lids strapped down with polypropylene banding tape. Magnox Waste Management ensures a consistent best practice approach is taken, and works closely with the Low Level Waste Repository (LLWR) to ensure that, where possible, waste is diverted away from LLWR to save space in this valuable national asset.
During 2012/13, more than 23,977 tonnes of non-radiological waste and 2,685m³ of radiological waste were dispatched from Magnox sites. At Harwell, Dolavs help Magnox recycle clean metal, temporarily store VLLW metal and safely dispose of other metals to progressively return the site to passive state for future use.